Fees & resources

All about fees and more available information

 Options and fees

It’s good to be in the know about cost structures as well as the options WWGC has available for you. We generally review the fees annually but you’ll always find the most current version here.

WWGC Rules & Policies

It is important for all visiting pilots to have a clear understanding of our rules and policies prior to coming to our Papawai airfield.

Scholarships and Youth Glide

In making gliding more easily accessible for the younger generations there are several options to lower the costs for youth participants.

WWGC offers local students unique scholarship opportunities to take to the skies through the Kuranui College NZQA recognised aviation course. Assisting those enthousiastic about future aviation pathways, in learning the fundamentals of flight, through gliding.

Youth Glide, funded mainly through donations and sponsorship, also organises events and activities for youth up to the age of 22 to advance their skills in relatively low cost ways, with the extra option to apply for funding, in some cases.

Pilot resources

Find your way to E-chandelles, equipment manuals, WWGC rules, winchlaunch information and more through this link.


These documents define procedures and required knowledge relevant to pilots and visitors participating in Wellington Wairarapa Gliding Club (WWGC) Operations at Papawai airfield and when WWGC members are operating club equipment at another site. It does not extend to members operating off site using non-club-owned equipment.

Gliding operations (GOPS)

The place where we help manage your Gliding club's operations. Here you will find a set of web based tools that helps the operations of your club, giving you more time to do what you really want to do, fly.